Graffiti has been a part of city life for decades, with its bold, eye-catching display of artistic expression splashed across walls and buildings. However, it has long been considered a form of vandalism, with many artists facing criminal charges for their illegal street art. But in recent years, the tide has started to turn, and a new trend is emerging – legal graffiti. Cities around the world are now embracing graffiti as a legitimate form of art, and in some cases, actively encouraging it. The rise of legal graffiti has created a new, vibrant landscape in urban areas, giving artists a designated space to showcase their talents without fear of prosecution. This has led to an explosion of creativity and diversity in graffiti, with artists using their voices to address social and political issues, and bring beauty to otherwise dull and neglected spaces. The establishment of legal graffiti walls and festivals has not only transformed the look of cities but has also brought communities together, fostering a sense of pride and ownership over their shared environment.

Legal graffiti has also provided a safer alternative for the younger generation, who are often drawn to the rebellious nature of graffiti. By creating designated spaces for graffiti, these youths are given an outlet to express themselves without breaking the law. This has not only reduced the amount of illegal graffiti around the city, but it has also sparked a sense of responsibility and respect for the art