Graffiti has been around for decades, originally used as a form of political and social protest, or simply as a way for artists to express themselves in a public space. However, in recent years, graffiti has evolved into a respected and influential art form, with talented artists creating elaborate and intricate pieces in cities all over the world.

Graffiti artists are often seen as rebels, using the streets as their canvas and breaking societal norms and rules. They challenge the idea of art being confined to galleries and museums, and instead bring it to the everyday lives of people. These artists push the boundaries with their bold and vibrant designs, using buildings, walls, and alleys as their canvas.

What sets graffiti artists apart from traditional artists is their ability to create public art that is accessible to everyone. Their work is not confined to a select group of people; it is for anyone who happens to walk by and take notice. In a way, graffiti artists give power back to the people, as they have the freedom to interpret and engage with the art however they choose.

Another unique aspect of graffiti art is its impermanence. Unlike other forms of art, graffiti is not meant to last forever. It is constantly changing and evolving as new pieces are created and old ones are covered up. This adds an element of excitement and surprise for those who appreciate graffiti,